Albuquerque, New Mexico

Night Guards

You can always count on Dr. Leon and her team for the highest level of care and service.

We invite you to contact our Albuquerque office at 505-332-8025 or fill out our online form to schedule your appointment today. Take charge of your oral health and maintain a healthy, confident smile!

You can always count on Dr. Leon and her team for the highest level of care and service. 

We invite you to contact our Albuquerque office at 505-332-8025 or fill out our online form to schedule your appointment today. Take charge of your oral health and maintain a healthy, confident smile!

Night Guards in Albuquerque NM

Your trusted team at Sandia Heights Dental Care may recommend a custom night guard to safeguard your smile and restore your restful sleep.

Many people struggle with teeth grinding and clenching, especially as they sleep. Chronic grinding, a condition known as bruxism, can lead to many oral health complications and may impact your quality of life.

Bruxism - An Overview

Bruxism is the technical term for grinding, which often happens during sleep, so you may not be aware you are dealing with this destructive condition. Tell-tale signs of bruxism include worn or fractured teeth, tooth pain, tooth sensitivity, morning headaches, jaw soreness, ear pain, neck pain, TMJ disorder, and sleep disruptions. 

The causes of bruxism are not fully understood. However, it may be due to a combination of psychological, physical, and genetic causes. Risk factors for bruxism include age, stress, personality type, a family history, tobacco use, certain medications, and some medical disorders.

What Is a Night Guard?

Also known as a bite guard, splint guard, or occlusal guard, a night guard is a removable oral appliance that fits over your top or bottom teeth. It protects your teeth and jaws from the devastating effects of chronic teeth clenching or grinding.

While dental night guards don’t necessarily stop you from grinding or clenching, they help prevent damage to your tooth surfaces. They also help relieve the symptoms of bruxism, safeguarding your health and allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Night guards relax the joints and muscles, lowering the risk of TMJ disorder.

What Are the Types of Night Guards?

The following are the three main types of night guards:

  • Stock Night Guards: These inexpensive mouthguards are sold over the counter and come ready to wear in three sizes, small, medium, and large. Stock night guards are usually bulky and uncomfortable, do not offer a proper fit, and provide poor protection for your teeth and jaws. 
  • Boil and Bite Night Guards: Also available over the counter, these mouthguards are customizable by placing them in boiling water, then biting down on them. While boil and bite guards provide a better fit than their stock counterparts, they are often bulky and rarely provide adequate protection. 
  • Custom-Fitted Night Guards: The best night guards are those created by your dentist from impressions of your teeth. Custom-fitted guards are fabricated from high-quality material and provide the best fit, comfort, and protection for your smile. 

Custom Night Guards Near Me in Albuquerque, NM

If you notice any warning signs of bruxism, contact Sandia Heights Dental Care to schedule a consultation. We will evaluate your smile and may recommend a custom night guard to prevent long-term damage to your teeth and jaws.